Graphic Design
This page showcases a selection of my graphic design work.
Flyers and Posters

Part 1 of the infographic about Dienstenwaaier.

Part 2 of the infographic about Dienstenwaaier.

This is a poster I made for a lecture about human rights.

A poster and flyer I designed for Huis van het Kind (nekkersdal.be)

One of 12 images I designed for the campaign of a local political party in Asse.

One of 12 posters I designed for the campaign of a local political party in Asse.

I made this flyer to promote the first activity for the Ichtus student group in Brussels.

This flyer was made to promote the yearly national weekend of Ichtus Vlaanderen.

This flyer was made to promote the yearly national weekend of Ichtus Vlaanderen.

A flyer I made for a small non-profit organisation called Open Deur.

This was a promotional flyer I designed for the 'Latino Day' fund raiser event organised by Ichtus.

This was a promotional flyer I designed for the 'Latino Day' fund raiser event organised by Ichtus.

This is a flyer I made for Ichtus' event called 'Open Boek' in 2015, a weekend full of workshops & training for student leaders.

This is a flyer I made for Ichtus' event called 'Open Boek' in 2015, a weekend full of workshops & training for student leaders.


T-shirt Designs

" Grandmother Willow: 'I wood never leaf you.'
- Groot: 'I am Groot' "
A crossover of Guardians of The Galaxy and Pocahontas.
7 colors

"These old circus bears broke out of their cages to do what they were born to do: RIDE!"
This design is a remake of a collaboration with Daniel Arzola, he provided the idea and I made the design.
14 colors

Gen 3
1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Inspired by the story of Adam and Eve who were tempted by the snake to eat from the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, thus condemning mankind to become sinful.
The snake is represented by the leaf and Adam and Eve by the bite they took from the apple.
multiple colors

"Creating is fun!"
I always loved mythical creatures when I was a kid, and this got me thinking... how were they actually made?
12 colors

A wintery pop-culture-infused ugly christmas sweater design.
8 colors.

"Just another angry bird"
This was not meant as a personal attack on Donald Trump but rather as a criticism on the way he talks and on some of his plans (like the building of a wall to keep out illegal immigrants).
8 colors

"Potáto or Potàto?"
Taken from the Titanic scène that, like so many things, became an internet meme.
multiple colors

This is a tribute to a handheld console I grew up with. Sometimes the hardest part when playing with it was getting the contrast right.
4 colors